Baker Street Pembroke Welsh Corgis and Mosaics by Yvette
Footstools, tables & benches
Footstool with BoxerCavalier King Charles Spaniel footstoolBench with 4 breedsBench with 4 dogsBench with 2 PembrokesBench with 4 breedsBench with 4 leaping PembrokesBench with Horses and PembrokesTable with 3 agility PembrokesFootstool with Pembrokes
Table with Pembrokes herding sheepTable with Pembroke and flowersTable with Pembrokes and rosesTable with Pembrokes and DragonfliesFootstool with PembrokesTable with Pembroke and blue startsTable with Pembroke and yellow starsTable with Pembroke and white starsTable with PembrokesTable with Pembroke and red stars